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Annual Church Profile

The Annual Church Profile is a quick and easy system used throughout the Southern Baptist Convention to collect vital statistical and leadership information.
For help contact Art Werry at, or ‭(586) 872-8215‬

Churches and associations are asked to compile data each year on membership numbers, baptisms, worship and Sunday School attendance and other key areas of ministry.


Information is power! The Baptist State Convention of Michigan encourages you to consider completing your church’s Annual Church Profile as an act of “informational stewardship,” similar to the stewardship you demonstrate through tithes, missions offerings and support through the Cooperative Program.

ACP Tutorial Video



  • Reviewing data from several years can help your church as you plan ministry strategies each year.

  • Completing the profile each year means your church will always have a “backup copy” of your records in a safe place, should your facility be impacted by flood, fire or other disaster.

  • The number of messengers your church sends to the BSCM Annual Meeting is determined by data you provide through the ACP. 

  • The information is useful when a church is searching for pastoral staff. Pastoral candidates often seek information about the church from your local association or the BSCM.

  • The information is useful as an audit tool. Combined with other contribution records, the ACP can help validate faithful financial ministry.


Most drivers know it is difficult, even dangerous, to drive without a clear vision of the road ahead. Annual Church Profile data provides your association, the Baptist State Convention of Michigan and the Southern Baptist Convention with key insights into the spiritual condition of your mission field.


With this information, your BSCM staff is better equipped to develop events and services that meet your church's and association’s precise ministry needs.

Cooperating Churches


A church will be considered a cooperating church:

  1. When it supports the vision, mission, and doctrinal statement of the Convention,

  2. Once it has gone through a credentialing process:

    • Preferably, through a local association, or

    • Alternately, through the Executive Committee if no associational process is completed,

  3. When it has submitted an Annual Church Profile within the preceding eighteen (18) months, and

  4. When it has contributed financially through the Convention to the Cooperative Program within the preceding eighteen (18) months.

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