Is your church reaching its community?

Used by permission of the SBC of Virginia.
The Baptist State Convention of Michigan is excited to introduce a brand new initiative that will help churches, church plants, and individuals reach their communities with the Gospel. Through an interactive website, people will be given the opportunity to sign up as a "light" in their neighborhood. They will receive daily notifications to pray for 5 families by name. In addition to Prayer, Bless Every Home will provide you with the resources to Care for your neighbors, Share the Gospel with them, and Disciple them for a life journey of faith.

We provide all the tools to get to know your neighbors by name so that you can begin to build relationships with them. Use your dashboard to track your individual progress with each neighbor. You will even receive optional daily reminder emails with a prayer prompt and 5 neighbors to pray for that day.




STARTING CHURCHESSend Network Michigan Church Planters Partnering Churches Church Planter Pathway Send Detroit Internships Apprenticeships
STRENGTHENING CHURCHESAbuse Help Annual Church Profile Background Checks Demographic Reports Forms and Applications Insurance & Risk Managment - CTG Insurance and Brotherhood Mutual Insurance Company Pastor and Church Relief Request Form Pastor Search Assistance Undivided - Racial Reconciliation Women's Ministry WMU Missions Bivocational Bivocational and Small Church Leadership Network NAMB/Bivocational Pastors - Iron Men of the SBC - video Guest Speakers Tim Patterson - tim@bscm.org, (904) 408-9521 Tony Lynn - tony@bscm.org, (734) 770-0608 Contact info@bscm.org for a complete list.
SOUTHERN BAPTIST PARTNERSSouthern Baptist Convention Executive Committee International Mission Board North American Mission Board Woman's Missionary Union Ethics & Religious Liberties Commission Southern Baptist Theological Seminaries GuideStone Financial Services Baptist Press LifeWay Michigan Baptist Associations BSCM Trustees
BSCM EVENTSCalendar of BSCM Events Promotional Flyers for BSCM Events (downloadable/printable) Register for BSCM Events Register for Bambi Lake Events
PASTORAL CARE LINESouthern Baptist pastors struggling through personal or professional crisis now have a confidential place to turn, thanks to a new partnership between the North American Mission Board (NAMB) and Focus on the Family. For help, call 1-844-PASTOR1 today.
OTHER RESOURCESFind an SBC church Forms and Applications BSCM Constitution & Bylaws Insurance and Risk Management - CTG Insurance and Brotherhood Mutual insurance Company